I love the pious, elegant, patient and mysterious (and sometimes selamba) character of Aisha played by Rianti Cartwright (she's REALLY CUTE btw). The lead actor Fedi Nuril did very well too, potraying an Al-Azhar student named Fahri whom girls are running (quietly) after. Who says a pious-looking, ustaz-wannabe doesn't have admirers?
I thought the film started well, with the potrayal of the REAL Islam, of what Islam should be, which represents peace, respect for others and wisdom. Fahri's innocence was rather humorous, alongside a part of him that cares about the people around him and always wanting to help those in need.
Overall, I'll give it a 3.5 out of 5. Actualli I wanted to list some doubts I had about the storyline, but I'm just too sleepy to type it out now. I promise I'll continue tomorrow. For right now, you guys go watch Ayat Ayat Cinta while its still in the cinemas. Or you can catch it on YouTube. :)
It took me 6 years to actualli got noticed and interested in AF. I'm not sure why, but I thought AF was just another typical reality/talentime show. I started watching this season probably because Siti's elder sister is in it. I wanted to see how fair/good she does in the singing competition. BUT as four weeks passed by, I SERIOUSLY think she should leave the academy. Dia TERAMATLAH SUMBANG! Plus, too stage-shy & nervous. If one could notice(I did), she's not popular among AF viewers, moreover being talked about! I actually pity her because she's not doing any better each week, but she's still in the competition. I'm so worried if its her turn to sing on stage. I find she's just humiliating herself every week. She should be the one going off next after Yana, Ika, Naim, Lufya and Faisal.
I've been watchin it on YouTube (both Diari AF & Konsert AF) every week. My personal favourites currently are Nadia, Stacy and Nubhan. Nadia has been the most consistent performer (except her Umbrella performance which I find irritating! Other than that the rest were good). I like Nadia's voice projection, Stacy's vocal power and Nubhan's gemersik-sedap telinga mendengar-voice tone. I foresee Nadia & Stacy in the finals along with either Nubhan/Riz/Alif. Stanley? Pd aku Stanley nyanyi mcm hentam brono. Kasih Tercipta was his WORST. Not only did he forgot his lyrics towards the end, but I think he's tryin to hard and end up being in a far far away land. Syok sendiri senang ckp.
I find that Ogy always have something negative to say to the students. And, I don't understand her criticisms most of the time. I don't know what kind of performance is really up to her standard. Yes, its all about HER STANDARD. And I find Ning frequently use this statement: "Pernafasan kene jaga dik, its everywhere! " Hahaha! Perhaps its the same problem each time a concert is held.
So, pada penerbit AF, can you guys do a shortcut and go to the finals? Hahaha.
Basically did nothing today. Went to the library in the evening to get some books. Ended up with a Photoshop book, a Digital Photography manual and a Malay novel. Walked around the pasar malam and got $4 worth of otah and took a bus home. I'm having stomach pains now.. :(
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Trying my very best to pluck out my nose hairs the whole day. Its super long dats its crawling out soon! Spending the nite in camp... Tired and sleepy but just can't bear to sleep now. I woke up very early this morning and I can't believe myself that I made it here at 6.15. That's SUPER early. Got myself changed, took IPPT and
FAILED again. Could sense I improved a bit on the static stations, BUT failed miserably during 2.4km. Imagine sumone who's at least 20 years older than you running 4 minutes faster! 4 mins might be nothing to you, but I think 4 mins is a big, major difference. Its just embarassing! Blame it on my sleeping habits. Trust me, you can run better when you have enough sleep. I could see the difference it makes everytime I run after a good as well as insufficient sleep.
I stepped on a rubber-material-springy frog few hours back. FREAKY lah. I could sense his heart beating, but he just wasnt moving. For a moment I thought it was some mudsoil.
WOW. I can't believe I abandoned this space for more than a year... I've only changed to a new layout when I did my last post and now the picture is no longer hosted! Hahaha...
Kenape cerita Sindarela aku tk nk load ni.... I want to see my Nani lah... Haizz....